
Jan Sumner

Hi, I'm Jan!

I'm so glad you are here!

I have worn many hats over the years: wife for 35+ years, mom of 3 grown boys, gramma to 7 grandchildren and elementary teacher for over 20 years (just to name a few). But a hat I have worn the longest would be that of a photographer. I learned photography as a child/ teenager using an all manual 35 mm film camera. In the early years, I worked as a school photographer, news photographer for the New Castle News and a wedding photographer for Marti Portrait. Then, as an elementary teacher, I used photography in so many ways in my classroom . . . and now as a professional photographer offering newborn, child and family photography.

Photographs have always meant so much to my family, and I want to be able to create treasures for other families, too. Babies and children grow and change far more quickly than we like. My goal is to capture these fleeting moments and freeze time in photos that you will cherish for years to come.

As a former elementary teacher, I have learned how to connect and work with children of all ages. I take the time to build a rapport with my clients to help me capture their unique personalities and bring those out in your photos. I let my newborns and children dictate how their session will flow. With patience, I try to create a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere, allowing kids to be kids.

Enjoy looking through my photo galleries and please contact me when you are ready to schedule your next photo session. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. I can't wait to hear from you and I look forward to being your family's photographer.

